Wednesday 23 September 2015

Drama Trailer - Southpaw


Trailer starts with production titles before then boxing shots are shown, showing what this film will be predominantly about and enticing sport audiences immediately. Bloody shots and punches are shown in medium shots demonstrating more of the sport side of the film and making the opening 30 seconds interesting. This is contrasted by grand surroundings and fancy dinners as the main characters daughter is shown – another character crucial to the film. After a pivotal scene in the trailer of the wife being shot there is several high angle shots of the main character to show how he is down and defeated by this loss, the trailer then changes pace as he attempts a change of personality after he loses his daughter again. There are finally some more boxing shots to reinforce the idea that this is a sport film – helps to entice the male audiences. The trailer ends with cast titles intercut with establishing shots of New York and boxing ring with the film title appearing as the last thing.

The trailer opens with more happy music as boxing _his passion is shown) and he succeeds in fighting, family shots of his wife and children are overlapped with dialogue of wife. The music changes to slightly slower, sadder song – more meaningful as he pays tribute to his wife, foreshadowing that something and may happen to her. The trailer takes a dramatic turn as a fight breaks out and guns shots are heard, a piercing ringing sound and crying can be heard as he mourns his wife, the music then turns sadder as he also loses his daughter. The final montage is fast paced with high tempo music building as he tries to get his daughter back, things seem bad, the music kicks in more high tempo as there is also dramatic pulses before the music fades out as the title is shown.

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