Wednesday 23 September 2015

Drama Trailer - Everest

The first establishing shot of the trailer is of the mountains and in the centre – Everest, a high shot of the mountains shows it will be something hard to overcome and challenging for the characters. Establishing shot of city shows a new environment and helps in setting the narrative and story of these men to entice audiences.

An expensive shot of a plane and family shots make sure the excitement is kept whilst the audience find out more about these characters and setting up narrative. The titles “true story” is followed by many other titles which are accompanied by silence, creating suspense and allowing the audience to pose questions and worry about the characters, drawing the audience in. The titles flash up and are intercut with more dramatic scenes to raise the tempo and excitement of the trailer, there is also dramatic dialogue and multiple repeated shots of mountains to reinforce the fact that these men are putting themselves in great danger up the mountain and this story will make an interesting film . A dramatic fall and flashback to family makes audience sympathise in the final montage before a final shot of man screaming is shown showing he is the main character and the one who may go through the most pain and lost. The film title and cast list then appear before a final shot of mountain appears in a high angle shot showing is great size and reinforcing the prospect that these men have to attempt to climb it.

Dramatic music is played throughout with a dramatic monologue which sets the scene, dramatic pulses in music are used as the music builds tempo, then silence and the main character delivers his line. More dialogue is used as the narrative is set, there is then silence as titles are shown, this builds suspense before a man scream. Silence is used throughout to build tension, as the titles appear as well as after a dramatic montage of a storm, loud pulses are used as words appear to make it more dramatic and it ends with a man’s scream.

The long establishing is followed by shots of men and mountains – the two prominent things in this trailer, grand high shots of the mountains before the trailer cuts to black build more tension. High shots show surroundings and a fast paced montage of dramatic shots climaxes as he reaches the top of the mountain. Words and images flash together in a montage. There’s a fast paced dramatic end montage of love, friends, mountain with the end shot of mountain the focus of the film.


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