Wednesday 23 September 2015

Comedy Trailer - Easy A


Unconventional beginning of the main character doing a video diary of a story she is about to tell. Upbeat and jollfull music beings to play as shots of a high school is being shown, sunny weather connotes a positive mood. Typical convention of slap stick comedy is used as the main character gets pushed over making her look very clumsy. Another unconventional moment in the trailer where a gay guy wants to date the main girl, he is then displayed as being beaten up and tormented for his sexuality which is a stereotype that many gay people are bullied at school. A medium shot is used as the main girl walks around school with many people whispering about her showing her as an outcast. Next few shots show what the film is about they contain many different settings all containing bright colours and sunny weather making the mood positive. The group of popular teenagers subverts the stereotypes as they are presented as a religious group who refrain from alcohol and sex. A short clip of her with a boy who is sticking up from her shows a possible love interest. Lady Gaga music is being played as more shots of the main character are displayed this gives the trailer a fun and unserious feel to it. A montage of scenes is used as the production titles appear as well and the title of the film. The ending dialog contains a joke which is very stereotypical.

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