Friday 25 September 2015

Action Trailer #3 - Need for Speed


   Action Trailer Analysis
Need For Speed


Establishing shot across the city, with a cloud of fog suggesting imperfection within the film. Over the shoulder shot of a male with a leather jacket on with the collar popped up, connoting rebellious behaviour. The super cars we see either side of him connote wealth, audiences also associate fast cars with danger. Simplistic non diegetic music is playing very slowly and gentle, doesn’t suit the theme of the film. Scene then fades to black with the next shot being a close up of who we assume is the main character behind the wheel of a car, he seems focused, audience can hear a diabetic engine revving pointing towards a potential race that’s about to unfold. There is also a voice over who the audience believe to be the person in the car, “they took everything from me” suggests he has nothing to lose.

Extreme close up of wheels spinning away, the low angle shot as the cars whizz past to give the audience a sense of how fast the cars are actually going. Dramatic music starts to play suggesting an ordeal is about to happen. Birdseye view of the cars racing over a bridge and dodging other cars suggests that what they are doing is illegal as it is putting other at risk. Audiences then relies that what is being done is definitely illegal as a tracking shot of a Mustang being followed by a police car.

Another fade to black shot is used, followed by a long shot of a potential love interest, so far the trailer doesn’t follow all the action genre conventions for example the music is very dramatic instead of high tempo music. Audience is given an insight to the inner thoughts and feelings of the main character through the voice over. A short clip of police man holding up his gun pointing towards the main character surrendering in front of a herd of police cars, followed by a medium shot of him in prison, showing that not everyone gets away with crimes in action movies, he committed a crime, got caught and he has paid the price, although he is in white clothing compared to the still imprisoned orange inmates, white connote innocence and cleanliness suggesting he is a new and better person.

A quick close up of a man grazed and traumatised face is shown inside a car, the trailer doesn’t give much information away about this which leaves us wondering who he is and what has happened, another bird eyes view shot is used above the city as well as above a flying plane connoting wealth. Extreme close up of the main character face inside a car is shown followed by a point of view shot showing the car has just crashed, we emphasis with the female in the car, slow motion of the car flipping allows the audience to absorb the full intensity and heart ache of the scene, there is broken glass which is a common convention of an action genre. During the slow motion crash there is a medium shot showing the two reacting to the collision, he is concentrated on her and seems to be instinctively looking out for her suggesting his character is caring and considerate and in love with this girl.

A point of view shot followed by a close up shot of him in his car alone is presented, the audiences are unsure whether the girl survived the crash, and the green lighting connotes regret and guilt. Another tracking shot of a fast car speeding away from police further enforces the idea that crime is normal for our main character. An extreme long shot is used to show the intensity of the crime due to how many police car enforcements are there. A quick montage of events, containing fast passed editing is then shown, we see the main character holding the girl walking down and empty road, followed by a funeral and a fight scene. A quick release date appears to inform the audience when they can see it but it doesn’t last too long as they want to hold the audience’s attention on the events which are happening within the trailer.

Another chase scene is happening although this time the U.S Army is getting involved, therefore audience can see that his crimes are so much for the police department and that they needed to call stronger services. Another close of main character Arron Pauls face is shown, speeding off in his car, this time he is wearing blacked out glasses, this may suggest pain, that he doesn’t want people to see the hurt in his eyes. Another point of view shot from the inside of the car looking out onto the road, this shot gives the audience a sense of real life thrill, as if it is them who are starring in the film. Another montage of events occur, there is a lot of car racing and crashes and explosion all converting to stereotypes of the action genre. The shot then stop along with the music giving the audience a moment to soak up what has just been displayed to them, to end the trailer off the title of the movie is shown for a few seconds in order to make it the last thing the audiences remembers.

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