Wednesday 23 September 2015

Horror Trailer - Carrie



Starts off with diegetic nursery rhyme/ poem being read out in a creepy tune setting the atmosphere for a horror. Camera then pans around a dingy room while screams are heard, the audience are all intrigued to know why there is screaming. The women who was singing is then shown cutting up fabric, the trailer is a big mystery up until now, conforming to stereotypes of horror and the idea that the fans like the fear of the unknown. Screams and banging gets louder as a close up shot of a locked door trying to be opened. This then cuts the production titles, giving the audience a moment to catch their breath. A mother a daughter storyline is then displayed the audience start to assume the little girl is going to be the main character as many horror films contain young girls as they appear vulnerable. Similar to any movie which contains teenagers in school , the main girl is usually the outcast this is clear in this trailer and she is being bullied and has no friends. As the mother and daughter are then at home we see the mother has strange beliefs and is forceful with her daughter the music and jump cuts all create suspense. The film volume goes up and down, there is a lot of whispering and then screaming. The end montage of the trailer is accompanied by loud tension filled diegetic music leaving the audience which a feeling to remember.

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