Thursday 24 September 2015

Action Trailer #1 - The Equalizer

The Equalizer
Action Trailer Analysis



This trailer starts off with a classic establishing shot,
which is very common as it gives the audience a quick idea of where the film is
based, in this case it seems to be in a City and at night time, using the
darkness of night connotes mystery and the wonder of who could be lurking in
the shadows. Shot reverse shot is used between the two in the restaurant,
audiences straight away can tell that these two have only just met, suggesting
that the storyline may follow these two. At this moment we aren’t certain who
is the main character here, although a few medium shots of the man life’s alongside
his voice over secures the decision that he holds most prevalence and is the
main character.

An effective camera shot is used to change between scenes tastefully,
it displays the man having two sides of him, his home self who seems mysterious
and deep then his career self which appears to be very friendly and popular. A
long shot was used to take the audience to a new setting which is a home ware
shop. Shot reverse shot is used again between the main character, his employee
and a stereotypical hooded mugger. Close up of the gun cocking connotes threat,
as we learn that the ring the mugger is requesting was a treasured memory from
her mother, the audience feels sympathy and wants revenge against the criminal.
Long shot of the car speeding away and then a close up of main character Denzel
Washington face, audiences can tell from his face expression that it’s not

We then have another shot of the city at night accompanied by
the young girl, suggesting that they only meet in the dark hours of the night
connoting that he has two sides to him. Scene then quickly changes as we see a
close up of a mallet being removed from the shelf, the audiences expect
somethings going to happen. Denzel’s character seems very normal, able to blend
in we can see this from the medium shot of him on the subway. Next shot is of
the stolen ring back in the women’s possession, giving Denzel approval from the
audience as we now know he is a good guy, this is followed by the mallet being wiped
down before being put back on the shelf. This shows that Denzel’s character is
skilled and tidy in what he does and obviously has experience. Diegetic sound
of Denzel Washington giving advice to the young girl shows a relationship
between the two where he cares from her as she is obviously in some danger, which
is apparent when the men get out the car.

We then have a different style of scene which involves slow
motion shots which give the audience a chance to close up see clearly his
skills, although the extreme close up of his eyes opening shows pain and anger
we as the audience see he isn’t a violent an unless he has to be. More fast
pasted medium shots are used to display the setting and his journey into not
only protecting the girl but into wiping out everyone involved the pain she was
caused. Shots of helicopters, planes and stacks of money connote wealth and
power, suggesting that he is up against a rather large challenge. We don’t see any
more shots of his work place instead it focuses on his secret life, close up of
Denzel skilfully turning the gun round further supports the idea of past experience.
Final shot of the flames conforms to the action genre.

The sound and the editing run aside each other, as the tempo
of the music is low the speed of the shot transitioning is slow, but as the character
is revealed the tempo of the music increased, as Eminem’s Ft Sia’s Guts Over
Fear comes on the editing increased in speed adding excitement, the majority of
the trailer includes flash cutting this creates suspense and excitement making
audience keen to watch. Diegetic sound is used throughout such as conversations
and the sounds of pain that Denzel Washington’s character has delivered. Mise-
en- scene for this trailer is very basic but effective, clothing of everyone throughout
is dark colours this connotes mystery which seems to be a large part of this trailer
as it doesn’t want to give much away, instead it encourages people to watch the

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