Wednesday 23 September 2015

Fantasy Trailer - The Hobbit

Fantasy Trailer Analysis 


Typical codes and conventions which are excepted in fantasy trailer is shown within first 2 seconds of the trailer, the mystical extreme long shots of beautiful forests and misty skies accompanied by a booming voice over which holds authority and knowledge. A low angle shot of an elderly man with a long beard connotes he is wise. Panning shot of a treasure looking map suggests the film contains a quest of some sort. Non Diegetic music is building in tempo, we then get a medium shot of a heard of men all of which have long beards and are holding medieval looking weapons, covered in fur suggesting they have been hunting, connoting masculinity. Shot then cuts to black until the films titles appear, the colours used are gold/brown and black are mysterious and somewhat sinister.

The entire mood of the trailer then alters, the lighting is brighter and the music is more upbeat all creating a more positive and happy feeling. A new character is introduced, he calls himself a “Hobbit” and states that he is surrounding by dwarfs all are typical stereotypes of a fantasy film. A long shot of the dwarfs head butting each other and the “hobbit” is in the background looking puzzled suggests he is different and doesn’t understand their ways of communication. Following shots of many people surrounding a dinner table having what looks like a feast as they throw food about while the hobbit awkwardly circles round them, further reinforcing the idea that he is potentially an outsider as he doesn’t behave in the same way as the others. This small scene ends on someone taking on a leadership role and shouting that about a new tail that they about to embark on.

Long shot of The Hobbit running among the chickens and shouting he is going on an adventure shows innocence as he was seen before as being manipulated by the others, the audience like The Hobbit as he is lovable and sweet. The trailer then includes a long shot of two characters, one being a women, the first women we have seen in the trailer, she is wearing white and has the sun setting behind her, with her long blond hair she symbolises an angle, this causes audience to try and figure out how her character fits into the film.

 This then swaps to a very different scene where the Hobbit is seen being confronted and threatened by a large animal, showing that he has already got into trouble, something that we expected. The audience has emotionally invested in his character therefore are intrigued to see how he gets out of this situation. Another title shot is used, showing the audience that the director is same one who directed Lord of the rings, which is another popular fantasy trilogy, therefore the audiences will trust that this film will be good down to the fact they have the same director, resulting in them being more inclined to watch the film. 

After scenes of various mythical creatures battling which each other, audience is introduced to a scary looking creepy character which is sure to leave an impact on the audience due to a close up of the characters freakish eyes that bulge out of its head. This is followed by another montage of shots showing battle and animals accompanied by dramatic and heroic music which suggests that somehow the Hobbit may come out of this victorious. All these action packed shots lead up to the reveal of the movie title, which takes a gold ring and turns it into the “O” in “The Hobbit” which makes another reference to Lord of the rings, resulting in the last message of the film being that it is associated with Lord of the Rings. The final part of the trailer shows comedy, suggesting this film is slightly different from others as it is not so serious but instead has some light hearted moments for families to enjoy.

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