Monday 21 September 2015

Conventions of a Magazine Film Front Cover - Romance

Conventions of a Romance Film Magazine Front Cover 


Typical conventions for a romance genre for film magazine front covers include the two main characters which tend to be the male and female who are in love, either looking deeply into each others eyes symbolising their love, or the couple looking in different directions which suggests that in the film there is a point where they may not be able to be together, or finally they could both be looking ahead like the one on the left displays, this makes the audience feel they are looking directly at them, making them more inclined to purchase the magazine. Also the couples will always be touching as this clearly symbolises they are a couple letting audiences know what genre the film displayed on the magazine falls under therefore the fans of that genre can easily purchase a magazine which is linked with their interests. White, pink and red colours are used as all these colour connote love and romance.

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