Thursday 24 September 2015

Action Trailer #2 - Taken

 Action Trailer Analysis



Production titles open the trailer; they are quickly displayed
so the audience’s attention doesn’t stray. Medium shot of Liam Neeson is used as
the first shot; he is holding a large present that we quickly learn is for his
daughter who he adores. This leads on to the daughter  telling her dad about the trip, close up of
his face suggest worry and concern alongside the reality that he has to let her
go even if he doesn’t want it.

Voice over of the daughter asking her father if she can go to
are used, while shots of her going to Paris are shown, non-diegetic music is
calm and peaceful . A shot of Paris is shown, as well as the parents saying
good bye to her at the airport the clothes the daughter is wearing are very
glittery and colourful, connoting youth suggesting she is too young and vulnerable
to go away with just her friend. As Liam Neeson’s character takes a picture of
the girl the shot changes alongside the music, the mood suddenly gets darker. As
the phone rings is suspenseful music and a split screen follow. The split screen
enables the audience to see what’s happening in both settings. Fast paced
editing is used during the kidnapping to build up suspense making it near
impossible for the audience to look away.

 The mood quickly changes
and the daughter witnesses her friend being kidnapped. The dad whom we first
assumed was a concerned normal parent then gets out a briefcase filled with
gadgets, and seems to know exactly what to do, suggesting there is more to his character
than we once thought. Tempo is quickly increased as well as the pitch, this mirrors
our heartbeat during the kidnapping as the audiences are so on the edge of
their seat.

After she is taken music changes to more depressing and piano
based music this increases the audience’s sympathy for Liam Neeson. The remainder
of the clip is him speaking on the phone to the person who is believed to have
taken her, describing how he has skills in order to find him and get his
daughter back, while this close up is happening  other shots of his journey into finding her
are shown. Quick montages of event are shown suggesting that this film is fully
packed with exciting scenes. As his journey into finding her goes on the music
changes to more exciting and hopeful music, music then fades to nothing as Liam
Neeson is left to listen to someone say “good luck”, the final part of the trailer
is the tone of them hanging up suggesting that he has been challenged and the challenge
starts now.

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