Wednesday 23 September 2015

Horror Film Trailer - The Purge 2


A very face paced happy song is played at the  beginning alongside a establishing shot of City/Suburb, Then jump cutting to a car driving along, again cutting to a two shot of a man and women in the car having a conversation. The music played at the beginning becomes diegectic as it is being played in the car. A match on action of the car coming to a random stop is used as the couple then panic about being out in the evening, the audience want to find out why they are so worried therefore continue to watch.A loud dull alarm is then sounded alongside a womens voice repeating, "Emergency, Emergency". Close up shots of shops being shut and locked up suggest something bad is occurring tonight. The trailer then skips back to the couple running from the vehicle. A long shot of the sun setting as day become night and "The purge" begins causes commotion and fear within households. Close up shots of locking bolts, protection and gun are shown. This makes the audience realise that the streets are a very dangerous place at this certain time and people need to be ready. Face paced and glitch editing is used to display a gang of people chasing after the couple wearing scary masks, this is a stereotype of Thriller/Horror films. The trailer ends with a variety of exciting shots showing what is going to happen in the evening while titles with one word at a time are displayed, this builds tension and the audience want to read the message. As this is one of the end things to occur the message will remain in the audiences memory creating an lasting impact.

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