How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Using our iPhone was more effective than the school camera we used for our AS opening scene
since the footage produced was a higher quality, reducing the grainy effect we previously had. the overall trailer looked professional and clear.
We used the school computers as it had the editing software we needed and was easy to work with.
Adobe Premier Element 10:
To edit all the footage we decided to use the Adobe premier elements 10 software for the trailer especially since we were familiar of the functions. However since we wanted to develop our editing skills so we watched a few tutorials to learn how to use it enabling us to use the program to its full capacity. The program included different features such as cropping, cutting, transitions and effects which allowed us to create a good quality trailer.
To create our titles for the film we used iMovie which is an advanced program allowing us to make improvements from last year. There were a lot more practical features used to create professional fonts to make it appear professional. In the beginning using the program was difficult however with the help from YouTube video we produced a high quality film. In A2 we were more experimental by having other idea prepared.
We used blogger to post our progression on the research and production, this was very practical since it allowed us to produce a high quality and detailed posts. We were able to change the layout of the page enabling us to make preference and choices on the themes such as the background, color etc. There is also a feature that allows us to keep the blog organised by scheduling the posts enabling us to find the posts easily.
YouTube is a video sharing website that allows individuals to broadcast through uploading videos that reach a larger audience by viewing and sharing. We uploaded our trailer for our film with annotation, video diaries, production, etc. This has expanded our knowledge on what features YouTube includes e.g. video annotations. I learnt about different technologies. We also used YouTube to look at online tutorial to make improvements on our editing e.g. balancing the audio and overlaying the voice overs. It was useful learning how to make the dialogue in sync with the video.
We also uploaded our trailer for feedback which was quicker process.
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