Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Exam Preparation

Audience and genre Exam preparation

What genre is the trailer and how have you conveyed this to your audience? Our genre is Action, this is clear throughout our trailer as typical genre conventions such as car chases and guns are used, also the characters used adhere to the conventions including a protagonists and antagonists. Our locations include big city's such as London and New York which symbolise business which is another aspect of Action. Finally, the colour scheme contains dark blues and black which connotes mystery and excitement conforming to Action genre.

How does the mise-un-scene support the genre? what is the role of the specific elements of the mise-un-scene? Refer to props, costume, makeup, location, theme etc. Our mise-un-scene enables audiences to clearly establish the genre of our trailer. Our theme is an Agent tracking down 2 antagonist brothers therefore by watching the trailer it is evident that the story line is Action. Our props also identify with the action genre, as typical props include guns, fights and car chases, all in which we have included. Costumes and makeup was simplistic. Finally the locations used conform as the connotes business and mystery. By using both London and New York gives our trailer a professional and expensive feel.

Have generic conventions been adhered to or subverted? How/ Why? A large convention of Action genre is a male protagonist, although in our trailer our protagonist is a female, we chose this as modern day films females are starting to become more dominant in action films instead of the vulnerable women who the man saves, for example Hunger Games. Although other conventions in our trailer adhere to the conventions such as the tension built music and props such as guns and car chases.

What makes your production different from others of the same genre? why is this important? It is important to be different for other trailers of the same genre because you want your trailer to stand out and be noticed and liked compared to others, as we found this important we included features such as dynamic shots, e.g. a fast paced tracking shot, this type of camera use allowed the audience to feel more connected to the trailer therefore resulting in a more memorable experience. Also, in post production we included a variety of non-diegetic music with the intention of each piece of music creating a different mood for the audience therefore creating a variety of impacts.